Groundwater Quality Safety and Contamination Recovery
Binghua LI1, Honghan CHEN1,Xiaojuan CAO2
1 Beijing Key
Laboratory of Water Resources and Environment Engineering, China University of Geosciences (Beijing),
100083, China
2 National Research Center for Geoanalysis,Beijing,100037, China
Abstract: This study aimed
to survey the contamination of chlorinated hydrocarbons and BTEX in Yangtze
River delta region shallow groundwater, and then explored the factors of
contaminated characteristic. A total of 129 shallow groundwater samples were
collected from 218 different wells from early 2002 to late 2003.
Tetrachloroethylene (PCE) was detected in about half of all samples (42.6%),
followed by carbon tetrachloride (CT); trichloromethane (TCM); and
trichloroethylene(TCE). Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene isomers were
detected in approximate 20% of the samples analyzed. The detected contamination
concentrations varied from 105.7µg/l for toluene to 0.05µg/l for carbon
tetrachloride; all of detected the concentrations were lower than those
corresponding standards set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(U.S.EPA) for drinking water except for benzene in a few wells. The maximum
observed benzene concentration was 8.05µg/l, which was over an order of
magnitude higher than current drinking water standards (5.0µg/l). It indicated
that almost all the concentrations of BTEX were over an order of magnitude
higher than those of chlorinated hydrocarbon. Thus BETX were the major
contaminants in the study area. All of the wells with significantly higher
contamination concentrations were associated with the channels where industries
directly discharge sewage. Further study showed that the contaminated
characteristics of the study area were relative to these factors, such as the
land use, the physical and chemical features of those contaminants, especially
the high anti-pollution capability of the study area unsaturated zone.
Keywords: Shallow
groundwater,BTEX,Chlorinated hydrocarbons,Unsaturated zone
1 Introduction
The growing rural
population in the Yangtze River delta region demand more fresh water
resources. A great deal of shallow groundwater has been found in the
unsaturated zone underlying the region. Protection of this valuable resource
from contamination is essential to the health and safety of the citizens inhabiting
there. The organic contaminants in groundwater mainly involved chlorinated
hydrocarbons, BTEX, pesticides, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).
The presence of chlorinated hydrocarbons and BETX in water sources is a
significant concern because they are known for animal carcinogen and suspected
human carcinogen (U.S.EPA 822-R-02-038, 2002).In addition, biodegradation of
them appears to be limited in most environments.Like other petroleum products,
chlorinated hydrocarbons and BTEX are produced in large quantities and usually
used in solvents. As a result of their widespread use, the release of them to
the environment has by no means been associated with pollution, but they are
generally found in water supplies in dissolved form at µg/l (ppb) to mg/l (ppm)
concentrations.Traditionally, the electronic, instrument manufacturing, and
aerospace industries are regarded the sources of hydrocarbons. Also, a range of
small businesses in every community using hydrocarbons have been responsible
for problematic spills. The common chlorinated hydrocarbons are the most
ubiquitous. In a survey in New Jersey of 1,070 wells, TCE is found in
58% of the wells, carbon tetrachloride in 65%, and PCE in 43% (.Page,G.W.1981).
The main source of BTEX contamination is the leakage of gasoline from faulty
and poorly maintained underground storage tanks. Other sources of BTEX
contamination are releases from large bulk facilities, surface spills, and
pipeline leaks. When gasoline comes into contact with water, BTEX will readily
partition into water because of their comparatively high aqueous solubility.
Once in the environment, they also rapidly partition from water to air because
of their high Henry’s Law coefficient. Since BTEX are mobile, they are
also particularly common in groundwater. (Kao and Borden, 1997;
Swoboda-Colberg, 1995; Chapelle, 1993; Barbaro, J.R., Barker, J.F., Lemon,
L.A., et al., 1992).
2 Hydrogeology
The study area is
located in Yangtze River delta, Jiangsu Province, China. There are
lots of rivers like a net to connect one another. The medium of unconfined
aquifer is made up of low permeability alluvial clay and silt, and the buried
depth of it is less than 15 meters. The topography gradient is low and easy for
unconfined aquifer to receive recharge. However, due to low exploitation of
shallow groundwater in the region, the recycle of it is very slow. The recharge
relation between surface water and unconfined aquifer is difficult to define.
Generally, surface water receives recharge from unconfined aquifer during flood
season, and this condition is opposite during dry season. The main discharge
styles of unconfined aquifer are evaporation, drainage to rivers during dry
season, and exploitation by rural residents. Recently, the hydraulic gradient
of this unconfined aquifer increased because the first confined aquifer had
been exploited largely, which activated the first confined aquifer received
recharge from that unconfined aquifer.
3 Methods
groundwater samples were collected from wells in different land uses around the
three cities in Yangtze River delta and analyzed for chlorinated
hydrocarbons (Tetrachloroethylene, carbon tetrachloride, trichloromethane,
trichloroethylene) and BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene isomers).
All samples were collected manually in 22ml vials with no headspace and then
transported to the laboratory for analysis. During sampling period, shallow
groundwater were poured into a common container in the field. This common
container was then used to fill the 22ml specified time intervals and put them
into a plastic box. Organic compounds were analyzed using a Hewlett Packard
6890 Gas Chromatograph equipped with ECD, FID, and 7694E headspace autosampler. The
quantitation limits for chlorinated hydrocarbons were 0.05µg/l more or less,
while for BTEX were about 0.5µg/l. Over the course of this project, 13 sample
blanks were analyzed. All the target compounds were not observed in any blank
samples above the quantitation limits. The detailed parameters for
chlorinated hydrocarbons and BTEX were presented in Tab.1. It is noted that the
conditions for chlorinated hydrocarbons are a little different from those of BTEX.
4 Results and Discussions
4.1. Contaminant concentration
and detection frequency
The locations of sampling wells were selected throughout
the study area to cover the range of urban land uses where chlorinated
hydrocarbons and BTEX might be expected to occur. These included open space as
a control, low density residential, high-density residential, commercial,
industrial, and service stations. In addition, there were a number of locations
where there was no single dominant land use.
A total of 129
shallow groundwater samples were collected from 218 different sampling wells
over 2-year period. Concentrations of all contaminants were low, with mean
detected concentrations varying from 0.51µg/l for trichloroethylene to
10.32µg/l for ethylbenzene (Tab.2).
The highest observed concentration was 105.7µg/l for ethylbenzene,
and the lowest was 0.05µg/l for carbon tetrachloride. All of the
concentrations were lower than the corresponding standards set by the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (U.S.EPA) for drinking water except for benzene
in a few wells. The maximum observed benzene concentration is 8.05µg/l, which
was over an order of magnitude higher than current drinking water standards
(5.0µg/l).It was noted that almost all the concentrations of BTEX were over an
order of magnitude higher than those of chlorinated hydrocarbon. Thus BETX were
major contaminants in the study area.
Fig.1 and Fig2 showed the distribution of those observed
contaminants’ frequencies in all samples analyzed. The observed frequencies of
chlorinated hydrocarbon mainly distributed between 0.05µg/l and 1µg/l; Tetrachloroethylene
was detected in about half of all samples (42.64.0%), followed by carbon
tetrachloride (20.93%); trichloromethane (17.14%); and TCE (15.34%). The
observed frequencies of BTEX mainly distributed between 0.5µg/l and
5.0µg/l;Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene isomers were detected in
approximate 20% of all the samples analyzed. The highest observed frequency was
xylene isomers (20.16%). Fig1 and Fig2 also presented that the most
concentrations of detected chlorinated hydrocarbons ranged from 0.05µg/l to
1µg/l, and those of BTEX located between 0.5µg/l and 10.0µg/l.
4.2 Land use and
shallow groundwater contamination
The different
monitoring wells were grouped to identify land use types where chlorinated
hydrocarbons and BTEX were more likely to be presented. As expected, open space
and low-density residential had the lowest detection frequency and the lowest
detected concentration for most contaminants (2.3% for TCM, 0.05µg/l for CT).
Also as expected, industrial used land had high detection frequencies and
maximum observed concentrations for most contaminants (42.6% for Tetrachloroethylene,
105.7µg/l for ethylbenzene). Average percent impervious surface of a land
use was a good predictor of contaminant detection frequency for the contaminants.
Runoff from industrial and high-intensity urban land uses had relatively high
contaminant concentrations (Honghan Chen and Jiangtao He, 2005), indicating
that most of the contaminants might come from them.
4.3 The physical
and chemical futures of these contaminants
The analyzed
chlorinated hydrocarbons and BTEX have high volatilities, high relative
solubilities, and low degradabilities (McCarthy and Johnson, 1992). The Henry’s
Law coefficients of them ranged from 0.32*10-3 (atm.m3.mol-1) for trichloromethane to
2.4*10-2 (atm.m3.mol-1) for carbon
tetrachloride, which indicated they were readily to volatilize. Once
they released to the unsaturated zone they would easily volatilize to the
atmosphere. However, some still would be transported into the subsurface by
gaseous diffusion, by infiltration of contaminated water, and as a moving
soluble phase. The high relative solubility of them denoted that they could
cause groundwater contamination at levels which were high relative to those
concentrations which appeared harmful to human health. The low degradation of
them indicated that they were relatively persistent in the environment and
could exist as pollution source for a long time. The reason for this
persistence was unclear but might be related to the relatively low cell yield
for organisms growing on them, the lack of adapted microorganisms or other
environmental factors. Compared with the solubilites of the analyzed
chlorinated hydrocarbons, those of BTEX are a little higher, thus the concentrations
of BTEX were higher than those of chlorinated hydrocarbons. Based on those
characteristics of them, it could be reasoned why they were detected at so high
frequencies while the concentrations of them were so low in the study area
shallow groundwater samples.
4.4 The
anti-pollution capability of the study area unsaturated zone
The anti-pollution
capability of unsaturated zone was related closely to some factors, such as
soil style, thickness, permeability, and topography gradient. In the study
area, the soil styles were alluvial silt and clay, and its thickness reached to
15 meters. The content of particles whose diameters were less than 0.005mm ranged
from 45.2 % to 84.6 % by weight. In addition, the content of montmorillonite
and illite was approximate 15.0 %. Such soil had very low permeability (lower
than 10-7cm/s), high specific surface area, good expansion
character, and high adsorption capability. Although the topography
gradient was low and easy for unconfined aquifer to receive recharge, the recycle
of groundwater was very slow because of the low exploitation of shallow
groundwater in the study area. All those feature just described above
could retard the movement of organic contaminants in unsaturated. So it was
very difficult for the organic contaminants penetrating the unsaturated zone.
As a result, it appeared the light contamination of shallow groundwater.
Aside from those
factors affecting the behavior of organic contamination in subsurface, the
organic matter content of soil played an important role. It was known that
organic compounds could be easily absorbed by organic matter in soil. Almost
all the organic matter contents of the soil samples were above 1.5 %. Turfs
also were found in different locations, and their organic matter content reached
to 18.7 %. Since the chlorinated hydrocarbon and BTEX could readily partition
to the soil with high content of organic matter, the concentrations of those
contaminants in shallow groundwater were very low.
In order to
quantify the retardation capability of the unsaturated zone, a parameter R
called retardation factor was introduced. It could be described by this
Where ρb is
the soil bulk density, n is the soil porosity, Koc is
the organic carbon-water partition coefficient, foc is
the content of organic matter ( Fetter,C.W., 1993). The higher the value of R
was, the higher retardation capability the soil had. The average values of R in
Tab.3 indicated that the soil with high content of organic matter had a high
retardation capability for the organic contaminants.
Furthermore, a
soil methanol-soaked test was conducted in laboratory to verify that
conclusion. The result was presented in Tab.4. It could be seen that the
absorbed BTEX content of soil samples were hundreds of milligram per kilogram.
The highest concentration of xylene isomers was 1069.53 mg/kg in the 32.5mm depth
of unsaturated zone. Due to absorption and volatilization functioning together,
the absorbed BTEX contents of soil samples fluctuate regularly in different
depth of unsaturated zone. Near surface, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene
isomers could easily volatilize to atmosphere,so their concentrations were a little lower.
5 Conclusions
All shallow
groundwater samples were analyzed by gas chromatography to achieve a
quantitation limit of 0.05µg/l for chlorinated hydrocarbons, and 0.5µg/l for
BTEX. Tetrachloroethylene were detected in about half of all samples, followed
by carbon tetrachloride; trichloromethane; and trichloroethylene. Benzene,
toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene isomers were detected in approximate 20% of the
samples analyzed. While chlorinated hydrocarbons and BTEX were commonly
detected, their concentrations were typically very low in most samples. Mean
contaminants concentrations (when detected) varied from 0.51µg/l for
trichloroethylene to 10.32µg/l for ethylbenzene. All of the detected
concentrations were lower than those corresponding standards set by the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (U.S.EPA) for drinking water except for benzene
in a few wells. The maximum observed benzene concentration was 8.05µg/l, which
was over an order of magnitude higher than current drinking water standards
(5.0µg/l). For all of the BTEX, the observed contaminant concentrations were
over an order of magnitude higher than those of observed chlorinated
Thus the BTEX were the major contaminants in the study area. The presence of detected contaminants appeared to be reasonably well correlated with land use; contaminant detection frequencies were higher in land uses with higher impervious surfaces. The maximum concentrations appeared in a few wells near channels where many industries discharge organic contaminants. The analyzed organic compounds with high Henry’s Law coefficients were easy to volatilize to atmosphere, which, to some degree, caused the low concentrations in shallow groundwater. The unsaturated zone was made up of clay and silt with high content of organic matter (above 1.5%). The content of particles whose diameters were less than 0.005mm ranged from 45.2 % to 84.6 % by weight. In addition, the content of montmorillonite and illite was approximate 15.0 %. So the unsaturated zone had a high retardation capability for organic contaminants. A soil methanol-soaked test had verified that the absorbed BTEX content could reach hundreds of milligram / kilogram. Thus it might retard contaminants moving to shallow groundwater. As a result, the contamination of shallow groundwater was a little light.
The paper was
supported by the China Geological Survey (NO.200310400046). Collection of the
samples would not have been possible without the help of Licai Liu, Hongwei
Chen, and Shi Liu. Special thanks go to the staff of the Key Laboratory of
Water Resources and Environment Engineering, China University of Geosciences
(Beijing) for providing all the samples analytical data. Thanks also go to
Professor Zhaoli Shen, Associate Professor Jiangtao He and Fei LIU for giving
valuable suggestion to focus the discussion on the causes of contaminated
characteristics of chlorinated hydrocarbons and BTEX in Yangtze River delta
region shallow groundwater.
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