
Top3. Great Achievements Obtained in Key Minerals prospecting, Including Iron, Copper, Aluminum and

Updated :04,07,2013

Basic geological work is strengthened according to new prospecting mechanism and it promoted new breakthrough in prospecting. In 2012, a super large new type iron deposit-Pamir iron was discovered in Tashikuergan, Xinjiang with a potential resources up to 2~3 billion tons. New copper prospecting areas have been striving to be developed, and  porphyry copper molybdenum ore body was discovered in Yuhai, Hami, Xinjiang with a depth of 131 meters. It is the first time to realize a prospecting breakthrough of magmatic liquation type Cobalt and Nickel sulfide deposits in East Kunlun. The estimated Nickel resource  for Cobalt and Nickel deposit in Xiarihamu, Qinghai is 443,800 tons. The newly increased iron ore of Benxi in Liaoning and Sijiaying in Hebei is 3.4 billion tons and 0.8 billion tons respectively. Jiaokou-Fenxi in Shanxi increased 0.23 billion tons of bauxite (over Class 333) and a super large Manganese deposit was discovered in Zurongfuwan, Debao County, Guangxi. Great progress has been made on the deep and periphery prospecting in old mines: 12 mines including Zaozigou Gold Mine in Gansu newly increased 123 tons of gold, 486,000 tons of copper and 947,000 tons of Lead and Zinc. The “358” targets was implemented and all target tasks can be accomplished in 3 years.

The “358” target implementation of important minerals