Top4. Emergency Water Exploration Project Solves 2.6 Million People's Drinking Water Problems
full advantage of our expertise and technologies, CGS organized a work team of nearly
10 thousand people composed of geologists, various experts and technicians, and
used more than 1,000 geophysical and drilling equipments to conduct emergency anti-drought
action in Shandong, Henan, Hebei and Shanxi provinces. The work team completed
their task within 70 days ahead of the planned completion date, solving the
drinking water problem for 2.2 million people and irrigation problem of 500
thousands Mu farmland. By our professional works, CGS also solved the drinking
water problem for 400 thousands people in Sichuan province, Tibet Autonomous
Region and southwest karst areas.

Villagers in Linju County of Shandong province are happy for having enough
water to drink