Groundwater Recharge with Its Ecology
Wu, 1Chih-shuo Chang, 2Nan-ko Chiu, 2Jun-kun Chen, 2Igor S. Zektser, 3Roald G. Dzhamalov
1 Department of Earth Sciences, National Cheng Kung
University, TAIWAN
2 Tainan Hydraulics Laboratory, National Cheng Kung
University, TAIWAN
3 Water
Problems Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, RUSSIA
Abstract:Three maps in the scale of 1:250,000 were compiled to
parametrically characterize the groundwater resources of
Natural groundwater resources are characterized by recharges from
infiltration of atmospheric precipitation, filtration from rivers, and leakage
from adjacent aquifers. It
is therefore regarded as constantly recharged in the process of hydrological
cycle; such that the regional natural groundwater resources are also considered
as the natural productivity of regional aquifers that will be replenished
within the process of a successive hydrological cycle. In addition, the sustainable yield (or
so called safe yield) of natural groundwater resources for a region indicates
the maximum limit of regional groundwater exploitation for a long term period
of time without diminishing the features and functions of the groundwater flow
regime. The relationship
between sustainable yield of any regional natural groundwater resources can be
described as following:
where, Qs represents the sustainable yield of
groundwater, Qn is the regional natural groundwater
resources (or regarded as groundwater recharge), W gives the aquifer groundwater storage,indicates the
time of groundwater withdrawal, and
is the
additional groundwater resources. For
a long term period, if
, with
absent, then
the sustainable yield of groundwater regime is determined only by regional
natural groundwater resources, Qn.
According to the mathematical representation indicated above (Eq.
1), assessment of regional natural groundwater resources is practically
performed based on two major concepts; one is the regional, the other is
the natural. The regional groundwater resources indicate the spatial average distribution of groundwater regime in
space; namely the assessments are aimed to determine the groundwater resources
on large areas. Thenatural groundwater resources indicate the temporal average distribution of groundwater features
which change in time; thus the assessments are to evaluate the occurrences of
groundwater resources in a long period of time. Namely, how to simply and accurately assess the regional natural
groundwater resources reserve has always been an essential issue among the
hydrologists and hydrogeologists; on purposes of groundwater resources
development and management.
There may have many theoretical or numerical methods been
presented for evaluating the regional natural groundwater resources; however,
among the previous studies, results of each approach can never reach a
consentience; not only because of the variation of assessment techniques, but
also due to the lack of hydrogeological database within the studied
regions. Nevertheless, in
previous time, researches connected to the assessment of the regional natural
groundwater resources were mostly performed with a view such as the groundwater resources can be
easily accessed; namely,
the assessment or estimation for groundwater resources was limited only to the
plain area. The mountain
areas and the hilly areas were radically omitted.
It was mentioned, in The
Evaluation of Water Resources in China by
the Hydrological Bureau of Hydraulic Power Ministry of China (1987):
“…the mountain area is counted in about 6.79×
Obviously, the natural water resources in mountain areas are no
less than those of plain area. In
above case, the water resources in the mountain area are approximately three
and a half times more than that of the plain area.
Hwang (1994) also claimed, in The
Evolution and Future Strategies of Groundwater Management, that:
“…from now on, we can’t pay our attentions only to the plain area,
especially water resources in plain area have all been contaminated such that
it is not suitable for drinking water supply any more. As for mountain area, particularly the
groundwater; such water resources have not yet been contaminated, it indeed
should be protected as soon as possible in order to ensure that the water
supply in the near future is secured…”
Thus, advanced approaches established for current assessment of
regional natural groundwater resources shall be conducted including the whole
catchments of a river drainage basin; not just the downstream alluvial plain
areas. Namely, how to
efficiently and reasonably evaluate the regional natural groundwater resources
becomes part of the fundamental theme for regional water resources development
and management.
This study has therefore revised the conventional approaches for
regional natural groundwater resources assessment in
In this study, the regional natural groundwater resources are
quantified based on the hydrogeological conditions of the region, and the
interactive relationship between surface water and groundwater within the
hydrological cycle. The
natural groundwater resources of the region are therefore evaluated in
accordance with two fundamental techniques; i.e., the stream base flow analysis
and the modulus of groundwater flow.
In this study, taking into account the scarce in measured database
and uneven distribution of instrumented hydrological monitoring stations for
Taiwan territory, the regional natural groundwater resources of whole Taiwan
area were estimated via two fundamentals: (1)
stream base flow analysis for the mountainous region, and (2) Darcy’s
groundwater flow theory for the plain area.All theses two fundamentals are
based on the concept of water balance within a hydrological cycle.
In the base of the first method, the stream base flow analysis,
the following two assumptions have been accepted:
(1)In the regions with homogeneous hydrogeological conditions, the
river basin sections (with equal drainage squares and with equal distance from
upstream source point) are characterized the same conditions of hydraulic
connections and degree of interactions between groundwater and river water;
(2)The river sections with length less than
Stream base flow analysis
The so-called stream
base flow has been
regarded as the part of river runoff that interacts with groundwater flow
system. It can be either
the net volume of the discharge from groundwater system to the river runoff or
vice versa. To estimate the
groundwater flow, it is needed to select the hydrological monitoring stations
(or called gauging stations) for river runoff with records under natural
conditions. The value of
stream base flow may be expressed by adapting the lowest flow records over a
long period of observation from a gauging station (Zektser and Dzhamalov,
1988). Therefore, according
to the long-term observation hydrograph of average daily runoff for a gauging
station, the dry period in that gauging station during the observation period
can be decided. The average
flow rate within that dry period is treated and translated into the stream base
flow of that gauging station upon the representative river catchments. The modulus of groundwater flow is
therefore estimated in accordance with the stream base flow.
Modulus of groundwater flow ( M )
The modulus of groundwater flow is regarded as the capability of
groundwater flow discharged from the river catchments area, with quantitative
measures given in liters per second per
where, Qn represents the natural groundwater
resources, is the area of
the river catchments.
Coefficient of groundwater flow ( K1 )
The coefficient of groundwater flow (K1) is the
percentage ratio of regional natural groundwater flow (Qn) to
quantity of annual precipitation (P).It demonstrates what percentage
portion of groundwater flow is recharged by precipitation. The coefficient of groundwater flow,
characterizing the natural regional groundwater recharged by the precipitation,
is defined by the following equation:
where, indicates
the natural groundwater recharges by precipitation .
Coefficient of river recharge (
The coefficient of river recharge (
where, gives
the natural groundwater discharge into the river runoff
Principle procedures of calculations
To estimate the modulus of groundwater flow, it is needed to
select the monitoring stations for river runoff with records under natural
conditions. Under natural
conditions indicates that the records of gauging stations haven’t been
influenced by any human activities such as reservoirs, dams or any hydraulic
constructions. Besides the
requirement for natural conditions; the length of observation period is also an
essential factor in adapting the river runoff records to be used in computation
of the stream base flow; and further more the modulus of groundwater flow, the
coefficient of groundwater flow, and the coefficient of river recharge.
According to the length of the observation period, three groups of
observation records are identified: one group of the observation period is more
than 10 years, another group is between 5 to 10 years, and the other is less
than 5 years. However, all
observation data selected are having complete records that include both dry and
wet seasons.
To estimate the modulus numbers in plain area of the region, all
available proceedings of Groundwater
Monitoring Network Plan in Taiwan have
been taken into account. Besides
that, the characteristics of subsurface geology and hydrogeology within the
plain area were firstly been understood and analyzed, in accordance with the
core and the drilling data provided by the Central Geological Survey of
Taiwan. Conjunctively with all the available information, such as:
transmissivity values, grain size distribution, lithology of sediments,
watershed area, hydrological characteristics, and groundwater level
distribution, the hydrogeological divisions within the plain area are
constructed. The
groundwater flow for each hydrogeological subdivision is estimated in accordance
with the regional groundwater flow regime via the concept of Darcy’s
groundwater flow theory. The
modulus of groundwater flow in plain area can then be calculated. The set of regional natural
groundwater resources related maps for the region are therefore compiled.
For quantitative assessment of the groundwater resources in a
region, areas for each subdivision of various modulus values are
estimate. Combining the
modulus value with the corresponding subdivision area, computation for the
amount of groundwater flow is then performed.
Results and Conclusions
According to the calculation results of each quantitative
parameter, the corresponding maps were compiled. The modulus of groundwater flow
(Figure 1), the coefficient of groundwater flow (Figure 2), and the coefficient
of river recharge (Figure 3). Also,
base on the fundamental process of the equation (2), reserves of regional
natural groundwater resources equal to the product of modulus value and the
area being evaluated. Namely, we are able to evaluate the reserves of
regional natural groundwater resources from the calculations of the modulus
value and the area under evaluation process. The total reserves of natural
groundwater resources in
The appreciation is due to the Water Resources Agency, Ministry of
Economic Affairs,
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Table 1 The regional
natural groundwater resources assessment of
Subregion |
Area |
Area |
of Groundwater Resources |
I-Lan |
268.86 |
1560.00 |
1828.86 |
Kee-Loon |
3.24 |
163.98 |
167.22 |
394.26 |
2279.20 |
2673.46 |
Tau-Yuan |
374.21 |
207.14 |
581.35 |
Hsin-Chu |
164.17 |
440.39 |
604.56 |
Miao-Li |
303.64 |
401.77 |
705.41 |
Tai-Chung |
419.77 |
633.54 |
1053.31 |
Nan-Tou |
310.89 |
1629.76 |
1940.65 |
Chang-Hua |
377.02 |
6.29 |
383.31 |
Yung-Lin |
313.70 |
14.70 |
328.40 |
Chia-I |
131.28 |
210.56 |
341.84 |
214.49 |
70.01 |
284.50 |
Kao-Hsion |
279.22 |
644.38 |
923.60 |
Ping-Tung |
719.79 |
589.10 |
1308.89 |
Tai-Tung |
293.58 |
1390.68 |
1684.26 |
Hua-Lian |
292.26 |
2229.79 |
2522.05 |
4860.38 |
12471.29 |
17331.67 |