Groundwater Recharge with Its Ecology
Wang, Q., Cox, M. E.,
School of Natural Resource Sciences, Queensland University of Technology, GPO Box 2434, Brisbane, Queensland 4001, Australia
Deep weathering profiles typically consist of horizons including soil, (ferricrete), mottled zone, pallid zone and bedrock. The soil mainly consists of quartz sand, which overlies ferricrete or clayey mottled zone at shallow depths. Hydraulic conductivity drops quickly from the soil to ferricrete or mottled zone. Because of the flat topography, water drainage is impeded and under high rainfall, perched groundwater forms above the mottled saprolite and water-logging occurs consequently.
During the last wet season, water-logging started after the highest rainfall in December and finished as the wet season ended. The highest water level was observed either in December or January depending on site drainage conditions. Water-logging risk map, which was derived from subtraction of interpolated highest-recorded water table from DEM, shows that the closer to waterways, the higher the risk is. This supports the preference of maintaining native vegetation in these buffered zones rather than economic plantations.
Keyword: water-logging, weathering profile, perched groundwater, forest hydrology, north
Water-logging can be a major problem with some forms of landuse, and in southeast Queensland, significant proportions of the state-owned plantation forests are affected by seasonal water-logging (Bubb, 2002). The presence of excess water in the root zone of plants can result in poor gas exchange and anaerobic conditions; the impact on tree growth depends on the duration of the saturation conditions and the proportion of the potential root zone affected (Moore and McFarlane, 1998). Water-logging also has an impact on forest management, such as harvesting regimes.
Water-logging occurs when an area receives more water than is being discharged from it, resulting in a rise in the water table that may reach the soil surface (Pearce and Bohl, 2004). For these conditions to occur, a sufficient supply of water and mechanisms by which water is retained within the root zone are important (Williamson, 1998). Three main types of water-logging summarised in McFarlane and Williamson (2002), are: 1) ephemeral perched water tables in texture contrast (duplex) soils; 2) areas with very low gradients usually with fine-textured soils and poor soil structure; and 3) water-logging caused by discharge from permanent groundwater systems where hydraulic head is at or above the groundwater surface.
The first type of water-logging associated with duplex soils is the most reported as shown by studies in Western and Southern Australia (McFarlane and Cox, 1992; Cox and McFarlane, 1995; Hatton et al., 2002; Silberstein et al., 2002). Duplex soils are characterised by a sharp reduction in hydraulic conductivity from the A to B horizon due to a rapid increase in texture (Isbell, 2002; Northcote, 1979), which often impedes the drainage of water at the horizon boundary. More broadly, in any type of soil or weathering profile, a layer that presents a permeability contrast over a short vertical distance can form a restrictive layer (Tolmie and Silburn, 2006). This condition may include a permeability contrast associated with shallow soil profile on rock or permanently cemented layers, or increased clay content at shallow depths within a weathering profile(Schoknecht, 2002).
The north
The study area is located around
The elevation is largely less than
The geology of the region was described by Ellis (1968). Basement rocks are mudstone, shale, siltstone and sandstone of the Maryborough Formation. The upper
Groundwater bores network
A network of 33 groundwater bores was established and sited to evenly cover the study area (Figure 2).Twenty-nine are shallow bores, at an average
Soil/regolith description
Soil/regolith samples from the drillholes were collected at
Figure 1. Location of north
was completed including the grain size, colour (matrix and mottles), and presence of iron nodules.
X-Ray Diffraction analysis
Selected samples from the drillhole C2d were analysed using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) for mineralogy. A standard procedure for preparing and analysing randomly-orientated powder samples was followed(Jenkins and Snyder, 1996). Ten percent corundum was added for each sample to identify potential amorphous contents.
Water level measurement
The bores were developed using standard methods (Brassington, 1998). Over the wet season from December 2005 to February 2006, field measurements of water levels were taken once a month.
Results and Discussion
Cuttings from the drillhole C2d, as well as old geological logging of groundwater bores from Laycock (1969), depicted a typical deep weathering profile, which includes the following distinctive horizons: soil, (ferricrete), mottled zone, pallid zone and fresh bedrock (Figure 3).
This common form of zoned deep weathering profile was first formalised by Walther (1915). They are widespread in the inter-tropical belt between latitudes 35ºN and 35ºS, such as in Australia, Africa, India and South Africa (Anand and Paine, 2002). Different authors have preferred terminology for describing the profiles (Britt et al., 2001), but they are somewhat equivalent such as replacing the pallid zone with saprolite.
The soil at the top is variable, but is commonly yellowish coloured fine to medium sand. The depth is largely less than
The mottled zone and pallid zone are both clay-rich. The difference is that the pallid zone is depleted in iron whilst the mottled zone is enriched in iron. The mottled zone contains patches of iron oxides in the form of vermiform mottles or pisolithic segregations in a matrix of pallid zone saprolite; it may merge with the ferricrete (if present).
At site C2d, the mineralogy of regolith samples representing different weathering zones further characterised this in-situ weathering profile (Figure 4). The soil consists mainly of quartz sand. Within the mottled zone, around one third of the composition is kaolinite; iron oxides are mainly goethite and hematite. Separated iron nodules have similar mineral contents as the mottled zone, but less kaolinite and more iron oxides. Contrary to the mottled zone, no goethite and hematite are present in the pallid zone, more than 80% of which are kaolinite. Weathering is less intense near the base of the profile (gravely sandy clay), where smectite, rather than kaolinite, constitutes the major part of the clay minerals, and primary minerals such as feldspar are well preserved.
Based on experience with basement rock aquifers in Africa, Thomas (1994) summarised typical curves of hydraulic properties for deep weathering profiles (Figure 5). He pointed out that the relative permeability is high at the surface in residual materials from which many fine-grained components have been winnowed or eluviated. It decreases rapidly in mottled and pallid zones where clay-sized materials have not been removed or have been added by illuviation. The fact that porosity is relatively high in these zones while permeability is low, suggests the clay minerals maintain the porosity but block fluids passing through the material. At the base of the weathering profile, however, the permeability increases again and falls off in the fresh basement.
Figure 2. DEM, slope and surface geology with layout of bores.
Figure 3. Schematic of typical weathering profile for the area.
Figure 4. Mineralogy of selected soil/regolith samples from site C2d.
Figure 5. Typical curves for hydraulic properties (after Thomas, 1994).
The sharp reduction of hydraulic conductivity from the sandy soil to ferricrete or clayey mottled zone forms a restrictive layer which impedes water drainage and under high rainfall, perches groundwater above the layer. Rainfall records were collected from December 2005 to February 2006 (Figure 6). After the highest rainfall in mid-December, water-logging conditions started and ended as the rainfall decreased in February. Depending on the site, during the whole season, the highest water tables were either recorded in December or in January. For example, if a site is well drained, the perched water table can be reduced quickly. The water table at poorly-drained site, however, may continue for a longer time or even rise if there is additional rainfall.
The interpolated highest-recorded water tables smoothly followed the spatial trend of surface elevation (Figure
Figure 6. Three times of water-level measurements and the rainfall records from the Bureau of Meteorology.
Figure 7. Maps showing (A) interpolated highest-recorded water table during the wet season and (B) depths to the highest recorded water table which reflects the water-logging risk and influence of the drainage system.
The deep weathering profile developed in the study area has vertically distinctive zones including soil, (ferricrete), mottled zone, pallid zone and bedrock. The soil at the top is shallow and mostly quartz sand, while the mottled zone consists of one third of kaolinte, which substantively reduced the permeability. Two major causes of the water-logging are flat topography and a restrictive layer at shallow depths where the hydraulic conductivity drops from
the sandy soils to ferricrete or clayey mottled saprolite zones.
Rainfall is the primary recharge source for the shallow perched groundwater. Water-logging occurred following the largest rainfall in December, but the highest water table recorded varied from December to January depending on the drainage conditions of the specific site. Water-logging ended with the wet season. The risk of water-logging is largely related to the topography; where it is close to the waterways, there is greater risk.
The drilling program was funded by Queensland University of Technology and the project was conducted within the properties of the Queensland Department of Primary Industries/Forestry.
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